丹麥商務辦事處徵 Local Student Assistant
台北丹麥商務辦事處正在招募Local Student Assistant,這是為期12個月的學生實習機會。歡迎有興趣的同學報名。

Introduction of The Trade Council of Denmark, Taipei  is the governmental export and investment promotion organisation under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark. The organisation comprises all governmental activities designed to promote Danish export and foreign investment in Denmark under one roof.

The Taipei Office consists of a small but dedicated team of 7 employees. The team is a mix of Danish and Taiwanese trade officers, providing industrial and company specific commercial counselling

時數: 每周15小時(可能視情況調整)
工作地點: 丹麥商務辦事處 (Suite 1207, 12F., No. 205, Tun-Hua North Road, Songshan District, Taipei City)
薪資:每月 NTD 9,600 (不含勞健保)
應徵辦法: 2021/5/28前,將個人英文CV寄到 tpehkt@um.dk
詳細辦法與資訊請見: https://um.sharefile.eu/d-s6881a355c4b44caa98b721a5eda8c896
