
德國 Germany

卡爾斯魯厄理工學院 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

  • 碩士:卡爾斯魯厄理工學院(KIT)的技術商學院,HECTOR School工程與管理學院,提供產品開發、能源、金融與資訊科技和移動力等領域的碩士課程。所有課程皆結合專業技術與管理知識,讓有抱負的工程師、電腦科學家和經濟學家有資格在其產業中擔任領導職位。
  • 學士:卡爾斯魯厄理工學院(KIT)的Carl Benz School機械工程學院(CBS)提供(國際的)機械工程理學學士課程,並與專注於全球生產管理、能源工程及汽車工程等產業緊密合作。CBS致力於提供學生最好的教育和訓練。由KIT卓越的教授所提供的高品質課程,輔以個別的職涯與學業指導,造就了CBS的獨特性。
  • Business & management
  • Computer science
  • Engineering & technology
  • Bachelor

  • Master

  • English
  • 所在位置
    • Karlsruhe 卡爾斯魯厄

  • 修業資格
    • HECTOR School工程與管理學院:相關科系的大學學位、至少1-2年的工作經驗與現職、英語能力
    • Carl Benz School機械工程學院:高中文憑(IB、A-level或德國大學入學考試)、數學和物理成績優異、英語能力測驗(托福、雅思或多益考試)、SAT學術性向測驗、ACT美國大學入學考試或TestAS德適考試
  • 修業時程
    • HECTOR School:四個學期(約22個月)
    • Carl Benz School:六個學期(約三年)
  • 修業費用
    • HECTOR School理學碩士:一般的四學期碩士課程學費為每學期9,000歐元
    • Carl Benz School理學學士:每學期7,000歐元(來自非歐盟國家的學生每學期須額外繳交1,500歐元)
  • 更多資訊

    Academic calendar

    The HECTOR School as the Technology Business School of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) offers part-time Master programs with a modular program structure. Therefore, the Master Programs at HECTOR School allowing participants to continue with their demanding careers while acquiring new skills. The program starts annually in October.

    The Carl Benz School of Engineering offers high school graduates the unique opportunity to study internationally renowned German engineering in English. The 3-year bachelor’s program aims to prepare future engineers for a successful career. The program starts annually in October. 


    Housing information

    We offer secure on-campus housing. Students, alumni and other guests live in single and double rooms distributed over three floors. The rooms at the International Department are comfortably furnished with their own bathrooms. Groups of four to nine students share a modern kitchen, including dishwashers, as well as dining and working areas. There are work, music and community rooms as well as a cafeteria with an open-air terrace.


    Short-term program

    Summer Programs; Pre-Semester; and other certificate courses 
