Exhibiting at EEFT


These are the terms and conditions agreed by:

“EEFT Organising Committee”, (British Council Taiwan, DAAD Information Center Taipei, and French Office in Taipei / Campus France),
“The Exhibitor”, the eligible institution, network or consortium of institutions, national representation, or their representative, which has made a successful application to the Organising Committee to participate in the 2024 European Education Fair Taiwan.

Exhibit or selection criteria for education institutions

In order to be eligible to exhibit at the 2024 EEFT, the institutions must:

- Be an education institution with their headquarters in one of the states in the European Union, Erasmus + Programme Countries , UK or Switzerland.

- Be an official representative / agent in Taiwan of an education institution with their headquarters in one of the states in the European Union, Erasmus + Programme Countries , UK or Switzerland.

For each country, booths are allocated to eligible education institutions on a first-come, first-served basis, based upon receipt of a complete, signed application form uploaded to the registration system before the application deadline.
The Organising Committee reserve s the right to select institutions to take part in the fair.

Payment Schedule

The Organising Committee will invoice Exhibitors for the Fair booth and any additional costs after successfully register. The terms of payment are stated on the application form and must be respected in order for the Exhibitor to be able to take part in the Fair. The Organising Committee reserves the right to cancel the contract and otherwise dispose of the space reserved if payments are not remitted on time. In such an event, the Organising Committee shall not be liable for any resulting costs, damage and/or losses charged to the Exhibitor.
If on the instructions of the Exhibitor, invoices are made out to a third party; the Exhibitor continues to be liable for all charges.


Cancellation fees will be charged for withdrawal, for whatever reason, from the EEFT as of the date of receipt of written notice of withdrawal. Cancellation rates are as follows:

- 50 percent of the full EEFT exhibitor fee will be charged if the cancellation is made before and including the 1st September 2024.

- 100 percent of the full EEFT exhibitor fee will be charged if the cancellation is made after the 15th September.

Notice of cancellation must be given by either email or fax to the Organising Committee at contact@eef-taiwan.org.tw. The institution will receive a confirmation message by email within one week of its cancellation.

Cancellation of the European Education Fair Taiwan

The Organising Committee reserves the right to postpone, curtail, move, extend or abandon a Fair, or to move Exhibitors, or to close individual or all sections of the Exhibition temporarily or permanently, if unforeseen events so require. Should it be necessary to postpone, curtail, move or extend or abandon the Fair, the Exhibitor shall not be entitled to withdraw from the contract nor to claim indemnity.

Accommodation, travel and freight

Please note that the Exhibitor fee does not include accommodation, subsistence, visas, insurance, freight charges or international or domestic travel costs or other ancillary costs arising out of participation in the exhibition.

Loss or damage to Exhibitor's property

The Organising Committee shall have no liability for the damage, theft or loss of any Exhibitor's property in any circumstances. The Exhibitor is responsible for taking out adequate insurance.

Loss or damage caused by Exhibitor

The Exhibitor will indemnify the Organising Committee against: all actions, claims, suits, costs, expenses, demands (whether in respect of damage to property, personal injury or otherwise and including all legal costs and other expenses suffered or incurred by the Organising Committee) which any person may bring or claim arising from and out of the use of the Venue by the Exhibitor, its employees, servants, contractors and invitees; loss and damage to the Venue and to any property therein arising out of the use of Venue by the Exhibitor, its employees, servants, contractors or invitees and in particular but without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing caused by the use or misuse of water, gas or electricity.

Personal accidents

The Exhibitor must occupy and use the Venue and the space there allocated to it at its own risk and neither the owner nor the Organising Committee accept any liability for any accident, damage or injuries suffered at the Venue by the Exhibitor, its servants, agents, contractors, invitees, member of the public, or any person whatsoever.


The Organising Committee accepts no liability for loss or damage suffered by the Exhibitor and caused by:

-The failure of any service or amenities which the Organising Committee is responsible for providing;

-The failure of any service or amenities to be provided by the Fair contractors;

-Cancellation or suspension of the Fair due to force majeure, including but not limited to war, earthquake, typhoon, adverse weather, strikes, fires, floods, terrorism, pandemics, acts of god and any natural disaster, or by reason beyond the Organising Committee's control.

In such circumstances, the Organising Committee would pay any exhibition costs that were unavoidable from the fees paid by Exhibitors. The balance of the fees paid by Exhibitors would be refunded less the unavoidable exhibition costs that have been paid by the Organising Committee. The balance would be divided equally between all Exhibitors. Exhibitors will be responsible for any cancellation charges on flights, accommodation and any other costs that they may incur.

There are circumstances where tension and incidents will raise a safety threat but not be sufficient to cancel the Exhibition. In such circumstances, some individuals or Institutions may feel unwilling to visit a country and therefore decide to withdraw from the Exhibition. The Organising Committee would make every effort to facilitate this with the minimum penalty to the Institution. In the event of such a withdrawal, normal cancellation charges will apply, except to the extent that the Organising Committee is able to reduce the charges without jeopardising the financial viability of the Exhibition.

- The Organising Committee accepts no responsibility whatsoever for licensing matters, customs duties, import charges, taxes, and the delivery of visas, hotel rooms or Exhibitors' travel arrangements.


Exhibitors will be allocated a booth as detailed in the Fair Information. Exhibitors will accept the booth that is allocated to them by the Organising Committee. Exhibitors must not change the booth structure, fascial board, flag, carpeting or walls or any other element that is common to all booths without prior approval from the Organising Committee. Depending on the location of the booth area, specific locations may have electrical boxes, cables, water pipes running through or beside the booth.

Promotional materials and displays

Exhibitors are NOT allowed to distribute literature or materials or any promotional items of any sort outside of their booth, either inside or outside the Fair exhibition area. Exhibitors may be asked to submit all promotional items, materials, literature and displays to the Organising Committee for approval and to make such changes as shall be agreed. If agreement cannot be reached, the Exhibitor must withdraw the literature, material or display. The Organising Committee reserves the right to close down any booth not respecting the Organising Committee's requirements.

Use of venue

The venue shall not be used for any illegal or immoral purpose and the Organising Committee reserves the right to remove all material that in their sole opinion may be considered offensive or obscene. The Venue shall not be used for the purpose of betting or gambling. It is forbidden to have any cash transaction at the Venue.
All goods and property brought into the Venue are brought in at the owner's risk.


If either party wishes to give notice to the other party under these terms and conditions, it shall be by email to the Project Manager at contact@eef-taiwan.org.tw.

Termination of Agreement

The Organising Committee is entitled to terminate without notice their agreement with an Exhibitor if:

-The Exhibitor or its designated representative commits any breach of, or fails to observe, any of the conditions or regulations set out in these terms and conditions;

-The Organising Committee, at its sole and absolute discretion, decides that the agreement shall be terminated;

-The Exhibitor has a receiver appointed over all or part of its assets, enters into liquidation, or commits an act of bankruptcy, whether compulsorily or voluntarily;

-The Exhibitor fails to pay any sum due.

In the event that the Agreement is terminated by the Organising Committee, unless otherwise agreed between the Organising Committee and the Exhibitor in writing, the Exhibitor will pay to the Organising Committee any expenses or loss incurred by the Organising Committee arising as a consequence of such termination. The Organising Committee shall have no liability to refund the fees paid by the Exhibitor in whole part.

Governing law

By submitting the application to exhibit at the Fair, the Exhibitor agrees to these Terms and Conditions.