[留學歐洲說明會] 2022 European Study Talk:留學歐洲,部署未來 - 比利時根特大學 Ghent University
想了解更多比利時根特大學,學校官網https://www.ugent.be/en 。
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Nobel Prize winners Corneel Heymans and Maurice Maeterlinck, as well as eminent scientists Leo Baekeland, Joseph Guislain, Walter Fiers, and Marc Van Montagu, have one thing in common: they all attended 
Ghent University. Founded in 1817, UGent is today in the top 1% of research universities in the world. It is part of Shanghai Ranking’s top 100 and is often ranked in the top 100 of more than 17,000 institutes for higher education in the world. Here, 11 faculties offer more than 200 courses and conduct in-depth research within a wide range of scientific domains such as biotechnology, aquaculture, microelectronics, and more. While most bachelor programmes are taught in Dutch, Ghent offers a selection of English-taught master’s programmes.


With some of the finest teachers and researchers the world has to offer, accompanied by state-of-the-art facilities and resources to match, graduates are bound to follow the successful paths of illustrious alumni. To learn more about how UGent “dares to think,” click here.
