
歐洲教育展 協辦單位

Department of Education,Taipei City Government


Foundation for International Cooperation in Higher Education of Taiwan (FICHET)

Who we are
The Foundation for International Cooperation in Higher Education of Taiwan (FICHET) is a non-profit organization founded in 2005 and is integrating 4 associations in Taiwan: (1) Association of National Universities of Taiwan (ANUT), (2) Association of Private Universities and Colleges (APUC), (3) Association of National Universities of Science and Technology of Taiwan, and (4) Association of Private Universities and Colleges of Technology Taiwan (APUCT). Currently, representing 116 member universities, FICHET has been given the responsibility by the government to function as a platform for international cooperation between Taiwanese and foreign universities. Current operations of the foundation include the establishment of the “Study in Taiwan” brand to promote international student recruitment through the management of Study in Taiwan website and social media with 200,000 fans, the most popular study abroad branding Facebook page in East Asia. Over the years, the foundation has collaborated with 18 countries to organize 38 bilateral forums on national level. In addition, the foundation is responsible for the planning of international educator assemblies in Europe, America, and Asia and fostering human resources in the field of international education administration to enhance communication efficiency between various agents working on these platforms. In the near future, an important aim of FICHET is to gain exposure through participation and support of activities held by the Minister of Education of Taiwan. The ultimate goal is to advance the globalization of Taiwanese higher education and to proudly exhibit its merits on an international stage.
What we do
1. Build the "Study in Taiwan" brand to promote international student recruitment.
2. Organize and plan bilateral activities to enhance academic collaboration between Taiwan and other HEIs worldwide.
3. Coordinate Taiwan’s universities to participate in international educators conferences.
4. Organize seminars on international education affairs.
5. Support MOE’s New Southbound Talent Development Program.
6. Support MOE funded overseas Taiwan Education Centers (TEC).



歐洲教育展 贊助/合作夥伴

logo 臺灣歐盟中心  

歐盟為推廣全球歐盟研究,並促進與各國學術界和公民社會之交流合作,自1998年起在全球先進工業國家擇重要學府設立「歐洲聯盟中心」。2008 年9 月,臺灣大學與政治大學、中興大學、輔仁大學、淡江大學、中山大學和東華大學等六校締約結盟,成立以臺灣大學為首之「臺灣歐盟中心大學聯盟」。2009 年5 月「臺灣歐洲聯盟中心」正式揭幕。

臺灣歐盟中心象徵臺灣與歐盟的關係進一步加強,與歐盟提升臺灣歐盟研究的決心, 中心實肩負推廣並深化歐盟研究、促進雙方交流、參與全球歐盟研究網絡等重任。中心期望能建構成為國內歐盟研究社群、臺灣與歐盟公民社會往來,以及雙方政策溝通對話的平台。長期而言,中心期望能透過與東亞暨全球歐盟中心的交流,發展成為中文世界最重要的歐盟研究和雙邊公民社會交流之據點。

Taiwan European Film Festival 

TEFF歐洲影展(Taiwan European Film Festival)自2005年起,於全台各地播放歐洲電影並提供觀眾免費入場觀看,希望台灣民眾藉由欣賞歐洲電影的過程中,認識歐洲國家的文化、藝術、和語言的多樣性,目前總觀影人次已超過155,000名。今年將由歐洲經貿辦事處以及杰德影音共同舉辦第15屆台灣歐洲影展,邀請17個歐洲國家個別推選出一部電影參展,於全台各地藝文場所、表演空間、戲院、大專院校等約30個場地播放,放映期間為2019年11月底至2020年1月中,詳細時間與場次請見歐洲影展官網。

logo 台北市立圖書館  
Taipei Public Library



Kaohsiung Public Library

高雄市立圖書總館地點位於市府目前正全力打造的「亞洲新灣區」範圍內,這裡是高雄進行城市質變的區域,而圖書總館跨出了高雄城市轉型的第一步。興建工程採國際競圖,是一座極簡設計的綠建築,98 年開始評估規劃,100 年整體計畫通過,於101 年10 月12 日由市長陳菊帶領各行各業代表約百人舉行動土,於103 年11 月13 日完工啟用試營運,104 年1 月1 日正式開館。總館的啟用,就是讓所有高雄民眾朝著共同的理想,以知識作為城市永續發展的目標;這是一座屬於全體高雄市民的圖書總館,也是一座讓高雄市引以為傲的文化新地標。


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National Library of Public Information
