Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)- International Schools: Carl Benz School and HECTOR School

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)- International Schools: Carl Benz School and HECTOR School


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想成為” 德國製造”的工程師嗎?  到德國歷史最悠久的理工大學、德國理工大學九校聯盟成員之一,在自然科學及工程領域國際領先的大學建立起屬於你自己的專業留學之路。

Study Bachelor's and Master's at a leading research university in Germany's engineering hub!

The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) is one of the top German universities in Engineering and worldwide. It offers English-taught degree programs with a high level of service in Germany at the following schools: Carl Benz School of Engineering and HECTOR School of Engineering.

The Carl Benz School of Engineering (CBS) is the Mechanical Engineering College of the KIT and directly located in the heart of Karlsruhe, Germany. CBS offers a Mechanical Engineering (International) Program with the final degree Bachelor of Science. The Carl Benz School strives to provide its students the best education and training to prepare new leaders in engineering, development and production. Specializations are offered in Global Production Management, Energy Engineering and Automotive Engineering.

The HECTOR School of Engineering & Management is the Technology Business School of the KIT. Since 2005, it offers executive Master of Science Programs in different engineering subjects:
  • Energy Engineering & Management
  • Financial Engineering
  • Information Systems Engineering & Management
  • Mobility Systems Engineering & Management
  • Management of Product Development
  • Production & Operations Management

Carl Benz School of Engineering
HECTOR School of Engineering & Management

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