[留學歐洲說明會] 2022 European Study Talk:留學歐洲,部署未來 - University of Warwick 華威大學
我們將於2022/11/22 晚上邀請英國華威大學學校代表共同舉辦線上說明會,歡迎報名參加: https://bit.ly/3p7a2RO

Join a top world top 100 University. Warwick is one of the best universities for employment in the UK. Our students’ appeal to top employers means we score highly in university employability rankings. The knowledge, skills and experiences you gain throughout your course, and outside the lecture theatre, will help you excel in your future career. We know that everyone's concept of success is different, so we work closely with you to tailor our support to your needs. Come to our session Tuesday 22 November, 1950 - 2030 Taiwan time to find out more.



英國華威大學(University of Warwick) -----世界頂尖大學
 - 引領產官學合作之標竿、學術典範、企業最愛 

- 世界知名前百大學 - 2022QS世界大學:排名61
- 榮獲<<泰晤士報>>2022年度教學品質卓越獎
- 英國頂尖大學Top 10 - 2022年衛報排名:排名6
華威大學簡介 (University of Warwick)







