[留學歐洲說明會] 2022 European Study Talk:留學歐洲,部署未來 - Flemish Higher Education Council - Study in Flanders 比利時Flemish高等教育
我們將於2022/10/18 晚上邀請官方代表共同舉辦線上說明會,歡迎報名參加: https://bit.ly/3A5ga3w
了解留學比利時荷蘭語部分 18 所Flemish高等教育機構的英語授課學位課程。如何在歐洲政治與經濟中心來強化專業與人脈,以及解說國際學生的留學與職涯之路。

Hi! Welcome to Belgium!

Home to the European Parliament, the European Commission, the European Council, and other European Union institutions as well as international organisations such as the NATO, Belgium has a friendly, cosmopolitan, and international society right in the heart of Europe. Belgium, one of the founding members of the European Union, also hosts world renowned higher education institutions. While the usual languages of instruction are Dutch and/or French, you will also find many English taught degrees. The country prides itself on its medieval art cities such as Antwerp, Bruges, Ghent Leuven, ,…etc  and a the same time a patch of green and beautiful countryside is never far away. Flanders is an economocially strong region with many strong sectors, a strong focus on innovation and internationalisation and strong links with higher education and its research groups. In Flanders and Brussels you will find a high quality of life with universal health care at very accessible prices, a vibrant cultural scene that is coming back to life now after the pandemic, in  an open and multilingual society. Beside Dutch and French, English is widely spoken, as well as many other languagues of all the international communities present here.  Due to its central location and its excellent transport system the other megalopolises of Western Europe such as London, Paris, or Amsterdam, are only a one or two hours train journey away. The capital Brussels is one of the world’s great multicultural cities, home to the main institutions of the European Union, with a very high number of Embassies, international organisations and multinational companies, and a large and diverse expat community.

In short, here are the reasons to study in Flanders:  excellent higher education at an excellent price/quality ratio, opportunities for international networking, famously multicultural and multilingual cities, a host of regional cuisines and specialties, beautiful countryside, overall high quality of life, and, of course, those fantastic Belgian waffles.

Study in Flanders represents 18 higher education instutions of the Flemish higher education system: 5 universities and 13 universities of applied sciences (and arts). An ever growing number of study programmes are taught in English, at Bachelor’s level as well as Master’s level. With an overall international student population of 12% and even a much higher rate at PhD level, you will not only find great study opportunities, but also friends from all over the world.  If you wish to stay in Belgium after you graduate, you can apply for an extension of your residence permit for 12 months, the so called “orientation year”, to find a job or start your own business in Belgium. For more information, check our website www.studyinflanders.be or follow our instagram account Studyinflanders, where student ambassadors share posts about their studies at a Flemish higher education institution.

更多比利時荷語區資訊: https://www.studyinflanders.be/
YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5T12x6COOgHyyjJGi7iB5A/featured
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/studyinflanders/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/studyinflanders/?hl=nl