Study UK 線上英國大學大師講座系列 Study UK East Asia Virtual Masterclass Series

英國文化協會「Study UK線上英國大學大師系列講座」(taster lecture)涵蓋五大主題(科技、商管、工程、永續發展及人文社會科學),帶您了解英國大學不同科系的課程與教學內容。本線講座開放免費試聽,歡迎有計畫申請英國留學的台灣學生報名參加!

Study UK East Asia Virtual Masterclass Series
講座日期: 1115 (星期一) 1126 (星期五)                             
講座時間:  台灣時間,下午4點至445 (英國時間,上午8點至下午945)                                  
聯絡信箱: 如需任何協助,請email


題 Masterclass in Technology [報名]
法爾茅斯大學(Falmouth University):遊戲開發介紹 Introduction to Game Development
主講人: Joseph Walton-Rivers, Computing Lecturer, Games Academy

亞伯泰大學(Abertay University: 人工智慧在使用者體驗設計之應用 Applied Artificial Intelligence and User Experience
講師群 :
       Dr Kean Lee Kang, Lecturer in Data Science
       Dr Andrea Szymkowiak, Senior Lecturer in Human Computer Interaction, Division of Cybersecurity, School of Design & Informatics
       Prof. Ruth Falconer, Professor and Head of Division: Games Technology & Mathematics

題 Masterclass in Business [報名] [講座內容]
巴斯大學(University of Bath):後疫情時代的行銷管理與消費者主義 Marketing in a Post-Covid World
主講人: Dr Peter Nuttall, Senior Lecturer in Marketing & Associate Dean International, School of Management

倫敦攝政大學(Regent's University of London第四次產業革命與未來的就業和技能--你準備好了嗎?Are you ready for the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the future of employment and skills?
主講人: Dr Vincent Ong(BSc, MBA, PhD, SFHEA), Content Director in Global Management

題 Masterclass in Engineering [報名] [講座內容]
埃克塞特大學(University of Exeter:大地工程學(Geotechnics)在土木工程中的核心角色 The Role of Geotechnics in Civil Engineering
主講人: Prof. Akbar Javadi, Professor of Civil (Geotechnical) Engineering, Head of the Computational Geomechanics Group and Director of Global Development, Department of Engineering

鄧迪大學(University of Dundee: 一沙一世界 -- 工程師世界的無限可能 The exciting world of engineers
主講人: Prof. Robert Keatch, Professor of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering, School of Science and Engineering

題 Masterclass in Sciences [報名] [講座內容]
南安普頓大學(University of Southampton:改變環境,改變生活:對東南亞地區氣候變化風險的評估 Changing Environment, Changing Lives: Assessing Risk from Climate Change in South East Asia
主講人: Prof. Craig Hutton, Professor of Sustainability Science, School of Geography and Environmental Science

華威大學(University of Warwick統整科學導論 --自然科學的跨學門應用方法 Introduction to Integrated Science – An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Natural Sciences
主講人: Prof. Robert Cross, Professor of Mechanochemical Cell Biology

題 Masterclass in Social Studies  [報名] [講座內容]
克蘭菲爾大學(Cranfield University:由使用者的觀點出發--淺談設計思考(Design ThinkingAn introduction to Design Thinking
主講人: Paul Lighterness (MA, RCA, FRSA, MIED, MCSD)  Director of Design Thinking programme, School of Water, Energy and Environment

埃克塞特大學(University of Exeter:從第四產業到假新聞:衝突世界中的傳播和媒體 Introduction to Integrated Science – An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Natural Sciences
主講人: Dr Neil Ewen, Senior Lecturer and Programme Lead for Communications